And once a rumour (a version, or a certainty) leaks to the press and there are a few evident signs that suggest it could be true, there's no stopping it.
That's what happened just the day before of the key clash against Brazil and it involves, arguably, the best two players in our team.
Apparentely, RIQUELME and MESSI can't stand each other.
Great! Just what we needed! Right?
A big article in Olé Wednesday edition tells the story of how Lionel and Roman won't talk to each other and how MESSI almost leaves the team a few days ago because he is mad at how RIQUELME thinks he is like MARADONA.
RIQUELME tried (not very successfuly) to deny those versions yesterday at a press conference and he was asked: "Why there are always versions of fights or clashes involving you? Why did that happen at Villarreal, at Boca and at Argentina?". He said: "It must be because there are people who invent these rumours because they don't like me".
But he didn't say: "Everything's cool with MESSI. I have no problems".
It's obvious these rumours have some truth in them.
But what will BASILE do with two players he considers as key first team stars?
I remember been told by a fellow journalist who is a close friend of mine and was in Germany working during the World Cup that it was true that RIQUELME wouldn't pass the ball to CRESPO because they didn't get along.
"Is that possible?", I thought. And I was having that impression watching Argentina in the World Cup but I choose to ignore that conspiracy theory and opted to believe what happened was just a coincidence.
But watching Argentina v. Ecuador on Sunday, I couldn't help to notice a corner kick in which both, RIQUELME and MESSI went there to take it and they spent a full minute without talking to each other, without looking at each other. VERON went there and talked to both of them. Olé's article also talks about that situation.
I hate these cat fights and I think they could be our team's worst enemy down the road.
Will these two stars leave their egos in the dressing room before they jump to the field in Belo Horizonte tonight? Or will we have to play against eleven Brazilians and against 2 of our own players too?
In a way, the fact that BASILE is the manager, gives me a little bit of hope in that he can probably lock himself down in a room with the two players and make them leave their differences behind.
Will everyone of them understand that our national team should be put before their own and over inflated egos?
I'm sure we all do!